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NFS share access problem from a KVM guest

Network schema describing the case

Someday I had to increase storage for an app living inside KVM guest. Considering that this KVM server run almost out of free disk space, probably, the easiest way to achieve the goal was to use NFS to utilize the other server's storage. So, after 'yum install nfs-utils' I tried to mount a share and got the surprise:

# mount.nfs /mnt/nfs-storage/
Permission denied

:/ WTF?

At the same time /var/log/messages on the NFS-server shows:

Feb  5 08:44:07 nfssrv rpc.mountd[47501]: refused mount request from for /mnt/nfs-share (/mnt/nfs-share): illegal port 11447
Feb  5 08:44:09 nfssrv rpc.mountd[47501]: refused mount request from for /mnt/nfs-share (/mnt/nfs-share): illegal port 30047
Feb  5 08:45:22 nfssrv rpc.mountd[47501]: refused mount request from for /mnt/nfs-share (/mnt/nfs-share): illegal port 7666
Feb  5 08:47:00 nfssrv rpc.mountd[47501]: refused mount request from for /mnt/nfs-share (/mnt/nfs-share): illegal port 39260
Feb  5 08:57:21 nfssrv rpc.mountd[47501]: refused mount request from for /mnt/nfs-share (/mnt/nfs-share): illegal port 57330

Fortunately, other people also had this problem and shared their knowledge here:

As far as I understood, some NAT magic (performed by libvirt) leads to source ports for NFS-connections being greater than 1023 (and NFS-daemon doesn't like this). To fix this we need to add 'insecure' option to /etc/exports file on the NFS-server (security implications we will skip for now, we just need things to work :). So it will look like:

$ cat /etc/exports

Then I run 'exportfs -r' to apply the changes and after that the mount command succeeded without issues. Happy end.

Posted in *nix.

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